How God Renews Your Mind to Make You More Like Jesus
As Christians, most of us know we should be being transformed into the image of Christ by concentrating on things above. However, if we don’t know how to implement that practice in our daily lives, the biblical command can become frustrating and unattainable. Worse still, the media driven world in which we are immersed constantly focuses our minds on things below. Transformed investigates the process God uses to makes us more like Jesus through the renewing our minds.
Discover how the Holy Spirit helps us think in obedience to God’s word so that more Christlike behavior follows—and our feelings and desires align more with God’s will.
Also available in Portuguese
Sometimes the many tasks of homemaking and motherhood seem unending and as moms, we wonder if we will ever feel productive. But it is possible - if we change the way we think about our work. God's goal for motherhood is not centered on getting things done. Rather, God wants us to use time well, grow in sanctification, and glorify Him. Use this booklet to challenge your ideas of what productivity looks like in motherhood and experience the freeing truth of God's purpose for you and your valuable kingdom work.
Also available in Portuguese